Pizza Girl by Jean Kyoung Frazier
Weight: 8.6 lbs
Method of Disposal: Lending Library at Work
I was surprised with a trip to Strand Books when I was surprised with a day trip to New York during the trip I planned to Pennsylvania to surprise my wife. I know. It is a lot. We try to be good to each other. It is a constant struggle of the wills to see who will be doing what for who at what time.
I had already been to several local bookstores in Pennsylvania, and I might have shown low self control, so I knew I already had a lot of weight to take on that plane home. I decided to only buy one book from Strand (and a bag, of course). I found pizza girl on a table in the center of the store with other LGBTQIA+ books. I am not sure what drew me. The cover art? Maybe. Queer fiction? Definitely a part of it.
I read the book when back in Georgia, and I had some mixed feelings about it. I was immediately hooked and wanted to read it well into the night, which would, of course, ruin the work day the next day. So, it is clear that I was taken with it and enjoying it. I struggled to relate to the main character, but she was an eccentric, young, grieving, pregnant woman, so that was understandable. The ending of the book came on like a hurricane. It moved fast and was over before I knew it began. I was a little frustrated about it. It went from being a reasonably over the top book to something that seemed appropriate to the character, but also unbelievable. There was something here but, overall, they lost me, unfortunately. It was always pushing the line and going over it a bit, but it just went too far over to hold me.