The Autobiography of an Execution by David R. Dow
Weight: 1.2 lbs
Method of Disposal: Gave away to brunch buddy...
Weight: 1.2 lbs
Method of Disposal: Gave away to brunch buddy...
I admit that I bought The Autobiography of an Execution at a discount bookstore about a week ago. I glanced over and thought is might be worth a look, but it had no price tag so I was going to walk away. My wife asked how much it would cost and was told $6.50. I decided to buy it and was charged $4.50. That was an incredibly good use of $4.50.
I was smitten with this book. I felt like I could strangely empathize with the author, despite the fact that my life and career in no way compares to his, and was completely caught up in his point of view. I was drawn into the stories of the death row prisoners he described and, while my heart was breaking into a million pieces, I was developing incredible amounts of respect for the death row defense lawyers. I finished the book around 4:30 am the second night of reading it, and I was absolutely bawling beside my peacefully sleeping partner.
I highly recommend it.
And I hope many many more people read it and realize we need to seriously make some changes in our criminal justice system.