Thursday, December 14, 2017


Women by Stefan May
Weight: 1.6 lbs
Method of Disposal: Not Sure!

I remember liking this book, though I felt like I got it before 2008!  I guess that is not possible.  I adored and cherished Women by Susan Sontag and Annie Leibovitz when it first came out, and I think I was drawn to this one looking for more of that.  It was obvious immediately that it would never compare with Sontag and Leibovitz, but I thought it was still beautiful.  Women are just straight up gorgeous.  All of them are in some way or another.

I am far less impressed now.  Is it because I am older?  Are my tastes more refined or am I just less amused?  I realize now that these photos are all attempting to be "sexy."  The women do not have varied body shapes.  They are all beautiful in the movie star and catalog way.  Victoria Beckham and Angelina Jolie are featured so what did I expect? I read a review that claims that there is a lot of racial variety, but it is mostly white women.  There are some highly sexualized, deeply black women in stereotypical poses and shots.  It is very "African." I am almost embarrassed I ever liked this.

The problem is now what do I do with it?  I am not sure I can donate it to the AKF or Goodwill.  Maybe a Better World Books Box?  

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