Thursday, April 4, 2019


Becoming by Michelle Obama
Weight: 1.8 lbs
Method of Disposal: Lending Library

Harriet bought me this book for Christmas along with a stack of other (very politically motivated) books, and I was excited to read it.  It was the first one I picked up.  It took me forever to finish it, not because it was bad, but because I have really struggled to find time to read or write since becoming a manager five or so years ago.  It has been a long time since I have written here!  Once I was halfway through, I kept trying to make the time to read it.  Michele and Barack were falling in love, and it felt like a fairy tale, but between two incredibly intelligent and motivated people. 

I was consistently in awe of the Obama family as a whole. and I did see another side of the story from Michelle's point of view.  It really came across clearly how much they had to sacrifice as a family for Obama to lead us for eight years and the true pressure that was on them to be perfect.  There could not have been a better family for it.

I was really tempted to keep this book, particularly in our current political climate.  It is almost like a safety blanket, something to hold on to.  But, then I realized, that is more the reason to share it so I will send it out into the world.

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