Easy Crafts for the Insane: The Mostly Funny Memoir of Mental Illness and Making Things by Kelly Williams Brown
Weight: 1.6 lbs
Method of Disposal: Giving Away on with a Buy Nothing Group
This book left me with an uneasy feeling for days and was, ultimately, "the straw that broke the camel's back" for me. I have been battling depression unsuccessfully for quite some time now. I do not want to ruin the book for you if you have not read it. So, stop reading here now if you want--how odd to think about "ruining the story" when you are talking about someone's life.
In this book, the author talks about her own struggle with depression and the impacts it had on her relationships with her friends, self, boyfriend, and family. She also describes her near death experience with suicide. The way she described it haunted me in that she did not think of herself as someone who would die that way and then found herself just minutes away from death. Her boyfriend could not recover from it and was deeply wounded. They ultimately broke up. I did not think I would go that far either, but there were many times I scared myself with how deeply I was sinking anyway. Especially right before, during, and after my period. I could not live like that--feeling like I could not control my own actions for half the month each month. The author wrote about her brain being unhealthy in the same way other parts of her body could become unhealthy. She would not think twice about taking medication to help other parts of her body. She described how it felt after she took medication for her mental health.
I wanted to be a better wife and partner. I started looking into psychiatrists and finally decided to talk to one and started to take Prozac. It was not easy. Over a decade ago, I had a negative experience with a psychiatrist and therapist that left me unwilling to seek help for my mental health since. I got desperate enough. That is where I am at. The edge has been taken off, and I am trying to figure it all out with a little less drama. I am grateful to the author for the insight.