Tuesday, January 19, 2021

How To Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)

 How To Talk to a Liberal (If You Must): The World According to Ann Coulter
Weight: 1.4 lbs
Method of Disposal: Recycling

Every now and then I feel like I should read something abhorrent just to see what people who are nothing like me are reading and taking in.  I do not know why I would have chosen Ann Coulter of all authors, but the Laura of 2004 had her reasons, I am sure. 

Let's see if I can highlight some of the golden tidbits so that you can spare yourself.

"Want to make liberals angry? Defend the United States."

"My position hasn't changed since the column I wrote the night of 09/11.  For reasons I cannot understand, I am often asked if I still think we should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity.  The answer is: Now more than ever!"

"The invasion of Iraq has gone fabulously well, exceeding everyone's expectations--certainly exceeding the doomsday scenarios of liberals."

The title of chapter 3 is "A Muslim by Any Other Name Blows Up Just the Same."

"I tuned in late and consequently can speak only to the last three hours of Halle Berry's acceptance speech at the Academy Awards last Sunday. But inasmuch as she engaged in wild race-baiting to get her Oscar, Berry's expressions of shock were not very believable.  She has spent weeks complaining about one time she did not get a role because of her color.  It was the part of a forest ranger.  Arnold Scwarzenegger probably has trouble getting roles as a ballet dancer, too.  And yet, still, somehow white guilt worked on Hollywood liberals!  Berry had successfully mau-maued her way to a Best Actress award--and then acted surprised.

It's interesting that Berry makes such a big deal about being black.  She was raised by her white mother who was beaten by her black father.  But clearly, Berry has calculated that it is more advantageous for her acting career to identify with the man that abandoned her rather than the woman who raised her."  

In case, at this point, you are wondering.  Ann Coulter is a racist and also a shitty human being.  I could keep going, but I am not sure it is worth the extra pain and toxicity it would add to the interwebs.

Tomorrow is Inauguration Day.  Let's just hope no one dies.  There are some seriously angry, unhinged, and brainwashed people out there right now.  Ann Coulter would not think it possible, but I hope we are able to preserve the beautiful things about the United States, protect our democracy, and make the world a safer/kinder place.

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