Friday, October 7, 2011

Atlanta Pride

Our Rights Your Rights Human Rights Atlanta Pride Festival 2007: The Official Guide to Atlanta Pride
Weight: 12 oz
Method of Disposal: Recycling

I realize this is a cross between a magazine and a book, but I have kept it on the bookshelves like a full-fledged literary work all this time.   I did intend to keep it.  I am getting rid of it now and writing this to remind everyone that Atlanta Pride is this weekend.  I will not be in attendance.  I am consistently disappointed by it, though drawn to it every year.  I am not falling into that trap again.  However, for some reason, I think you should.  I will live vicariously through you.

I will say that I have had some positive Pride experiences, but I have never had them in The ATL.  I miss the country dancing and bondage tents of the one Long Beach Pride I attended.  I need more than booth to booth shopping.  

With the right crowd, ATL Pride can be fun, and I am sure the late night parties are fabulous, but I am not going to figure it out this year.  I already have too much baggage.  For the rest of you, have fun!  Gay it up.