Sunday, September 24, 2017

Catmas Carols

Christmas Carols by Laurie Loughlin
Weight: 5.6 oz
Method of Disposal: Lending Library

I lost another foster kitten today.  It is bound to happen.  We never want to foster kittens because it ends in heartbreak too often but, when you see them, struggling to breath and there is no one else willing to endure the possibility of losing them then what can you do?  You cannot leave them to suffer at the shelter just because you do not want to break your own heart.  Besides, sometimes you are able to turn it around.

I was not able to do that today and so, after a four day struggle, we lost Cilantro.  On evening two I started to get my hopes up.  By three, I knew we could do it.  Up until an hour before he died, I refused to believe it was happening.  Once they are gone you wish you had opted to euthanize and end their suffering.  Sometimes that is the decision you make.  Sometimes one pulls through.

No matter how many we have lost I am always heartbroken to say goodbye, to watch their final breaths.  I wish I could say that I will never foster another one.  I would really like that.  But I will never be able to turn away from a kitten or cat that is sure to die, alone in a cage.

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