Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Templeton Plan

 The Templeton Plan: 21 Steps to Personal Success and Real Happiness by Sir John Templeton with James Ellison
Weight: 10 oz
Method of Disposal: Giving Away

I just cannot get into these small, easy to read, life guides.  I keep trying to like them or feel inspired to change even the smallest part of my life because of them, but I cannot be moved.  I think they would be most helpful to someone without a moral compass, but would someone without a moral compass be changed by them at all?  Maybe someone with a moral compass but someone whose compass is not the most important part of who they are to themselves?

That cannot be the answer because the people that give them to me tend to be good-hearted people.  What is it that speaks to them?  How does it impact them?  What does that feel like?  Well, either way, I am passing it on.  If someone can improve their life even a little by reading a little guide then who am I to stop that or judge that?

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