Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Not Appropriate For Work

The Guide to Lesbian Sex by Jude Schell
Weight: 1.3 lbs
Method of disposal: Selling

I am ending my second day of not smoking, and it does not feel great. I swing back and forth between being confident and cocky about how easy it is to quit, and then regretting that I have gone this long without a cigarette and questioning my reasons for quitting. There is one potential upside though. I have had a huge increase in my sex drive, though I fear it will be temporary and is more connected with the edginess and anxiety of quitting than anything else. I am slightly hopeful that the extra energy boost and increased health you get from not smoking will carry it forward past these first few weeks. I have always loved sex, and I never really stopped, but ever since I was raped in my senior year of college things have been a little off. I have been on a quest to get my old sex drive back since then, despite the fact that it may not be possible and is becoming less and less important to me.

In honor of day 2, I want to sell one of my beloved sex books. Up until now I have left that section of my library untouched. Given, I am not getting rid of one of my favorites, but I still consider this a huge step. I didn’t know if I would ever be able to let any of them go. I bought this one as a bargain book for $4.99 at a Borders long ago. I am tempted to say this book is not a great one, but I think it just depends on the situation. The pictures have been described as “tasteful” and the information as “helpful.” This seems to be true. The pictures are almost too tasteful and the information is basic. This would probably be a great book for someone who is just beginning to explore lesbianism or is just thinking about it. It would be most helpful in the hands of someone who is less in touch with or just starting to understand their sexuality and/or has less experience with sexual encounters. The author writes about the importance of flirting, what women taste like and how it is different and changing, how to use touch throughout sex, and affirms that lesbians do fuck.

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