Monday, February 25, 2013

The House of Spirits

The House of Spirits  by Isabel Allende
Weight: 8 oz
Method of Disposal: Leaving at Joe's Coffee Shop in EAV

                                                           The last post of the evening!

 I loved this book when I read it.  I mean, I was really impressed.  I learned a lot.  About Chilean history, about the power of magical realism, about literature, about family relationships, about politics.  I also had trouble putting it down, even for short periods of time.  I was into every page, and I do not remember losing any momentum.  This was my introduction to the very amazing, Isabel Allende, and I highly recommend it and her other work.   What is your favorite Allende book?


  1. I love The House of Spirits! I get excited when I have actually read a book you recommend. I have also read The Infinite Plan, and while I remember vivid details from the book, I can't remember if I loved it or not...

  2. I have never read The Infinite Plan. I am curious even though you cannot remember if you loved it because if you remember vivid details those components must have been powerful.
