Saturday, January 6, 2018

Marilyn Monroe and the Camera

Marilyn Monroe and the Camera
Weight: 3 lbs
Method of Disposal: Donating

Marilyn Monroe reminds me of my first love as a teenager.  Marilyn's movies were also one of the first things that my stepmother and I bonded over in the early years of her relationship with my dad--to my mother's dismay.  I can now see why your daughter beginning to idolize Marilyn Monroe after you took such care to teach her about Boudica, Joan of Arc, and Anne Frank might be a little worrisome.

Mostly it was Heather M.'s fault.  She wanted to be Marilyn despite always coloring her hair a copper red color and keeping it super short in a way that was not yet popular at our school.  Her grandmother said she looked like a "polished penny."  When I think of Marilyn I think of diamonds, flirting, Jane Russell, ridiculous men, Jane and Marilyn singing about coming from the wrong side of the tracks, Harry Winston, medication, Kennedy, insecurity, youth, beauty, Heather, and my step mother.  When I think of Heather I think of how amazing and horrendous first love is, eating disorders, doc martins, red hair, a light purple room in a trailer, a bizarre and unhealthy family, lots of sex, letters upon letters, the viciousness of teenagers, the cruelty of teachers and guidance counselors, flirting, coming from the wrong side of the tracks, ridiculous men, insecurity, youth, and beauty.  It is weird how much I cannot and do not remember now, but how I have such vivid images of the ages 13-16 years.

So, sometimes, when I look at Marilyn I just think about excitement and happiness.  I do not necessarily go into the intricate details.  I just smile and don't really know why or think about it much--like I am now.  And so, though many would argue she is my antithesis, I still really like Marilyn Monroe.  I am still really sad for her and all the insecure girls and women desperately seeking out attention even when it ends in their own demise.  So much like Heather at 13 and like first love.

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