Friday, January 12, 2018

The X Factor

The X Factor: The Unauthorized Biography of X-Files Superstar David Duchovny
Weight: 3.2 oz
Method of Disposal: Donating

I am so excited that the X-Files is back on.  I haven't been at all excited or giddy about television since the 90's but now I find myself rushing home from work on Wednesdays and cursing the universe when anything gets in my way.  Living the shelter life, everything will get in your way.

I love Mulder, but I am most excited about Dana Scully, as always.  As a youngin', I bought everything with an X on it and anything with even a thumbnail image of Gillian.  I found myself making an irresponsible purchase just the other day when I bought TV Guide in the grocery store checkout.  I guess some things never  change.

The one thing that has is that I would not purchase anything unauthorized now and maybe another thing is that, as much as I like Mulder, I would not feel the need to read a biography of David Duchovny when there are so many other wonderful books out there! Gillian on the other hand...

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