Monday, March 25, 2013

Loving Someone Gay

Loving Someone Gay Revised and Updated  by Don Clark, Ph. D
Weight: 1 lb
Method of Disposal: Donating

Apparently, around 300,000 people are protesting gay marriage and adoption in France.  As the demonstration was winding down a number of youths started to amp up the energy and the riot police took action with tear gas.  People of the clergy, teenagers, anti-gay opponents, and CHILDREN (super responsible parents here) were all present. 

From the NBC website:

Polls indicate a shrinking majority of French voters back gay marriage, which is legal in about a dozen mostly European nations and some U.S. states. But polls show French voters are less enthusiastic about adoption by same-sex couples.
Frigide Barjot, the stage name of an activist who has led protests against the bill, insisted the anti-gay marriage movement wasn't a lost cause. "It's the second round, sir. It's not the last battle."

It hurts that in this day and age people are still filled with such passionate disdain and even hatred.  It is hard to think of that many people demonstrating against me and people like me--particularly french people like me, haha.  I really don't know what else to say.  It is painful.  We will win this fight, slowly, and all over the world, but it still hurts to see all those who would hold us back and even some of those who would hurt us.

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